Clean and Organized (where it counts)

This is one of those times when you say “take a picture QUICK, ’cause it may never look this good again!” LOL!  I have spent literally MONTHS re-organizing my studio.  It was so packed full of STUFF that my stamping area was actually about 1/6th of this table (that’s all that was CLEAR), with room for a chair.  YIKES!  I have cleared so much out that I actually have room to hold a CLASS.  I have 4 of these IKEA tables, and I can easily set 3 of them up now!  YAHOO!  (even the RUG is clean!!! – Thanks Charles!!!-my artist buddy down the hall pitched in to help at the 11th hour)

I still have MUCH to do, but to have this area clear gave me such a breath of RELIEF!  I can even say that the end is in SIGHT! 

I have some gallery showcases that I thought I was going to have to unload, but another friend had a brainstorm and they are BACK!  I’ve covered them with a black tablecloth and set up my displays


for Sale-a-bration,






the Occasions Mini


and the IB&C …and “SUCCESS” magazine front and center, just in case someone MIGHT be interested in becoming a demo:-).

I was soooo glad that I thought of this, because I think it really impressed my first workshop visitors!




Until the next post…Keep Calm and Find Yourself a Rubber Stamp!

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