Do you ever want to make a card and have to spend more time FINDING all the parts then it take to actually MAKE the card? That has happened to me WAY TOO many times! I have been devoting 2022 to eliminating that problem! Every Tuesday I spend some time ORGANIZING my stash. And after over 10 years with Stampin’ Up!, have I got a STASH!
I love color (I think I have mentioned that before…hehe), so I have EVERY SU color inkpad that has come out over that time, PLUS the re-inkers, markers, cardstock and blenders to match. OOF! Realistically, I use the current colors 99.9% of the time, so I have spent most of my time organizing my stamping area for easy access to those colors of paper, inkpads, etc. Recently, Stampin’ Up! has come out with some marker and Inkpad storage solutions, which I have purchased, and they help. But for other things, I have started accumulating Stamp-n-Storage products ( They are very well made, ship quickly, and customer service has been great!
My first purchase was 4 of the 8 1/2″ x 11″ cardstock storage cubes – a bit of an investment but SOOOOO much easier than digging through piles of cardstock packages! I could have organized these in a few ways, such as by the SU color groupings, or, as a lot of folks do, by color (rainbow, light to dark, etc.), but I chose alphabetical by name. It does mean that when the new colors come out each year, I will have to move some labels around, but it just makes more sense to my little mind – no time wasted guessing whether that “Blue” is “Night of Navy” or “Misty Moonlight”. I also realized I needed to restock some colors! Yikes! I chose the version with 15 slots per cube, so I can easily fit all 40 SU regular colors, the 10 colors that change every 2 years, the 3 basic colors (black, vanilla and white) and my absolute favorite paper, shimmery white, with a few left (maybe store my catalogs there for the year?)
Here’s where I was a few months ago as I started to fill up the cubbies with the paper in proper order at the time (I’ve since incorporated the 2022-2023 colors):

What are your favorite organizing tips? and…how would YOU organize your colors?